Pop Up Artists Market

Sunday, September 28th, 2025

1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Mint Museum RANDOLPH 
2730 Randolph Rd, Charlotte, NC

This event will be held under a giant tent. Rain or shine. 

This event is Curated, with a maximum selection of fifty guild members. 

Each selected artist will be designated a 10x10 square foot booth, situated under a large tent on the lawn of The Mint Museum on Randolph Road. Artists are responsible for bringing their own tables and display units. 

Two folding chairs will be provided.


  • Submission Fee: $20 (applies towards booth cost upon selection)

  • Booth Fee: Additional $60 (Total: $80)

Please note, fees are non-refundable and membership must be in good standing.

For questions, please contact the event chair, Angela Lubinecky, via email.

Registration opens on April 26, 2025.